Structured data has become an essential component of SEO in today’s digital landscape. By embedding code on your pages to label content, images, products, and more, you unlock valuable opportunities in search engine results. Structured data powers rich highlights like star ratings, images, pricing, and author credits that catch users’ attention.

Implementing schema markup leads to 3 key SEO wins:

  1. Higher CTR from Rich Results
    Pages with review stars, product specs, author images and other rich results have been proven to achieve higher click-through rates in SERPs. A study found 30% higher CTR from featured snippets with images versus plain text snippets. Structured data powers these engaging previews.
  2. Increased Chance of Highlight Features
  3. Direct Access to New SERP Features

For brands still hesitant about investing time in structured data, consider this – pages with rich results generate over 2x higher CTR compared to the same rankings without rich data. That’s an immense competitive advantage to forfeit!

Prioritizing schema markup now future-proofs your content to take advantage of innovations in AI and search down the line. The time is now to audit top pages, identify missing opportunities, and deploy markup at scale. Speak to your developers about making structured data a standard in your web content process.

The ROI from higher rankings, click-through rate and exclusive SERP placement makes structured data a no-brainer tactic for modern SEO.