Creating high-quality content optimized for search is a crucial part of any effective SEO strategy. As we move into 2023, there are some key best practices to follow when developing SEO-friendly content that will connect with target audiences and rank well in Google.

Conduct Thorough Keyword Research

Any great piece of search-optimized content starts with comprehensive keyword research. Using tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush, take time to analyze search trends, monthly volumes, and keyword difficulty for terms relevant to your business. Identify topics with strong search volume that align to products or services. Also look for low competition long-tail variations for targeting.

This keyword research will inform topics and help incorporate the best terms naturally within content for SEO. Be sure to use keywords in places like headings, URLs, meta descriptions, image names, and scattered throughout the copy. But don’t force it – work them in organically.

Optimize Content Length

Long-form, pillar content over 2,000+ words consistently performs well for SEO and engagement. Aim for thorough, comprehensive posts versus short blurbs. Include multiple headings to break up text, and supplementary images/videos.

Answer all searcher questions in detail. FAQs are also a great way to seed content with search intent phrases.

Focus on Quality and Uniqueness

Ensure all content provides real value for readers – don’t just target keywords. Offer detailed explanations, tips, and actionable takeaways. Demonstrate your expertise on topics to establish authority and trust.

100% original content is critical – never copy/spin existing articles. Google rewards unique, helpful information. If you’re just rephrasing content that’s already out there, you’re really not adding to the conversation.

Promote Your Content

Don’t just publish and forget about content. Actively promote posts through social media, email subscribers, retargeting ads and other channels. Help Google bots discover new content faster through quality links and social shares for improved rankings.

Optimizing content with keywords while providing genuinely useful information builds relevance with search and users.

Read More: Best Practices for Content Marketing that Converts