Video content represents a major opportunity to boost brand visibility and search rankings – especially on YouTube. As a video platform, YouTube has its own unique SEO priorities to understand. By optimizing your video content specifically for YouTube, you can drive more traffic and subscribers from search.

Conduct Extensive Keyword Research to Identify Targets

Analyze search volume data and trends to identify terms and phrases that are frequently searched on YouTube around your niche, products, or services. Look for keywords with high monthly search volume to ensure there is sufficient demand and opportunity. Also, find relevant long-tail keyword variations that may have lower competition.

When compiling your list of target keywords, be expansive – include every term or question searchers may use to find content like yours. This keyword research should directly inform topics to cover in your videos as well. Incorporate researched primary and secondary keywords naturally throughout each video’s metadata and content.

Craft Compelling, Keyword-Rich Titles

The video title is absolutely vital for YouTube SEO success. This will be displayed as the clickable link in search results, so it must be optimized to entice clicks. Include your most important target keyword or key phrase close to the start of the title. Keep titles concise and under 60 characters – you want the full title to be visible.

Formatting like emojis, brackets, numbers, or questions can help your video titles stand out. But don’t overdo it – titles still need to accurately convey the content of the video. Use compelling language that promises value or useful information to the viewer. This will grab attention and drive clicks from searchers.

Write Detailed Descriptions Summarizing Video Content

The description field provides an opportunity to include more context around the video for Google and viewers. Don’t just write one or two sentences – use multiple paragraphs with full sentences to summarize the video content in more detail. Work in secondary keywords and synonyms related to the topic where it fits naturally.

Also include links to your other relevant videos or playlists to build connections in YouTube’s search algorithm. Add a clear call-to-action asking viewers to like, subscribe, share, or comment on the video to increase engagement metrics. The more informative your video description, the better chance of ranking well.

Tag Videos Thoroughly with Additional Keywords

YouTube provides up to 500 characters for adding video tags – so use them all. Include additional keywords, search phrases, and related terms beyond what you worked into the title and description. Separate tags with commas. Proper tagging helps your video surface in a wider range of YouTube searches.

It’s also smart to revisit old videos that may be under-optimized and beef up their tags. Improving metadata on existing content can give it new life driving traffic from search.

Optimizing video content specifically for YouTube provides new opportunities to expand reach through search.